User Testing

I can produce accurate, up to date information that is easy to read and understand. But this process, on its own, is not enough.

The most common flaw when producing health information is when health professionals ask consumers to comment on the design and content of an existing draft [Coulter A et al 1999]. The best approach is to develop health information in collaboration with consumers.

Involving consumers to help define, evolve and test information
There are many ways to include consumers, be they patients, carers, service users, health professionals, lay readers or experts. Alongside planning, writing and designing information I have many years’ experience in collaborating with the end user to ensure the result is information they need, in the way that they want and can use.

Focus groups are a powerful way of defining attitudes, discussing possible approaches, and testing concepts.
Online questionnaires can reach many people at once and are a quick cheap way of asking questions and getting qualitative input as well as quantitative results.
Peer-review, both with experts and users, is vital to ensure information is accurate and up to date.
User-testing is crucial to determine whether people can understand and use the information. It is also an invaluable way of improving and fine-tuning any information, whether on paper or online.

I can help you with all or any part of your information production, or simply advise and train you to use these techniques yourselves.


Call: 07976 505045